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Help me find a sporty car?

I want to get a sporty coupe. But i want one that i can drive and not worry about it hitting the bumper going up a hill if you know what i mean. I dont want to worry about bumps or anything. I dont want one too low to the ground. I really like the Audi TT i have heard good things about it. If you can tell me more about the audi tt please do. Also if possible i want a coupe that has so leg room for the back seat. I dont want a 2 seater. Must fit 4 people. Thank you! also price doesnt matter


-Because Jerseyites are always in a Hurry. So They want You to DO It, get ON with It !! ;)
They have that in Virginia too. It's pretty funny.
No, he should not be fired. What he said was pretty mild in the grand scheme of things. People are overreacting. It's largely Imus's own fault. He should never have started groveling. By groveling he allowed the piling on to continue, and people jumped on the band wagon. Now it's almost as if you have to be offended by his comments - people convince themselves that nappy headed ho is the worst thing they've ever heard. In reality, most people have heard and said far worse. We all know it was a joke - not very funny, but it was Imus kidding around. It doesn't hurt anybody, and the grown women who he was referring to should be strong enough to take it. They should simply fire back - we may look like nappy headed hos to Imus, but he's a fat, nasty old man who stopped being funny a generation ago. Frankly, Imus should be fired because his show sucks. But he should not be fired for saying these silly words. After all, do we really want a broadcast world where people have to walk on eggshells and be forever scared that the wrong people will be offended? Do we want nothing but a vanilla lineup of comic radio hosts who tell knock knock jokes and never make an un-PC comment?
for your chest do a wide grip flat bench, close grip flat bench will work your triceps and chest, incline will work your chest and shoulders. the best shoulder (deltoid) excercize is a military press for biceps use bicep curls, if you want to go for a different angle use chin ups and hammer curls. triceps are dips and skull crushers
Those Jersey Shore bro's and guidos are busy guys. When they want to get it on, they're not patient enough to take it slow and steady like everyone else. They want that booty quickly, so they can hit-it-and-quit-it, and then move onto the next one.

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