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i want to know about 3g mobile phone?

can you tell me a specification ,services and frequencies of mobile computing based on this product based on 3g mobile phone


It is a dilemma in some ways. The fewer the features, the longer the battery life. The really high end phones have less life than the more basic phones. My BlackBerry Storm, which is a fantastic phone, has far less life than my previous BlackBerry Pearl - the Pearl would last four to five days, the Storm barely two. Doing things like reducing the backlight level, keeping Bluetooth off unless needed, not playing games or music etc., can extend it, but really the simplest thing to do is buy a second battery. I bought a second battery for emergency use and rotate it every week or two, plus when I am in the office I plug it into a Amzer docking cradle which also charges my spare battery.
I okorder
3G okorder
3 G mobile phone offers a wider band width so all internet based application will work faster than ever. they also offers u live video talk in which u can chat via video u can also watch live television but all that need 3 g moblie handset and 3 g enabled sim card

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