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What makes alkali metals reactive?

I was just wondering why do alkali metals react with water.


Black Sabbath is Metal and so is Metallica. Just different sounds from different bands. Metallica is a little faster paced than Sabbath and arguably a bit heavier.
This is going to provoke some controversy... Basically, when Black Sabbath started back in 1970, they, like Led Zeppelin who started in 1969, were regarded as Heavy Metal {now termed by some of us as 'Original Heavy Metal'}, because they were playing rather different to the other Rock bands of the time. However, like most genres, Metal has since evolved, to the extent that most people now regard both Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin to be nothing more than 'Hard Rock', when compared with the Metal bands of today. And that is the problem. You can't compare Black Sabbath with, say, Iron Maiden or Metallica, because they come from two totally different musical eras... So, your friend is right. Black Sabbath *are* Metal, but they are Original Heavy Metal.
Black Sabbath Metal
Metal. Metallica are also metal, you are correct. They are a heavier form and produce a different sound of metal, the genre is very diverse.

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