basically im trying my absolute best at walmart, i have a few problems, and the task becomes sometimes a bit difficult ben there 3 weeks on fourth week. i work with the guys unloading trucks in the back.i think they might fire me because i am WAY different from the guys unloading trucks in the back. a few times those guys really upset me and i dont know why they had to be rude, so they will say hurtful things that i know in real america they can loose their job for, or get written up. one guy called me stupid for asking a simple question. and another guy constantly curses at me. but i mean i get a long just fine with some of the other guys, and i just havent been there that long, so they treat me like i need to earn respect or somwething, when im not there to work for them, im there to work for im afraid they might try something like fire me for not suiting the job requirements or something. and i want to be able to fight for my right to work there, but how?
Johnny Knoxville 3 He's adorable.
Robotic arms to do it for you! What? You're safe in another room using the remote control, that's as safe as I can say.
You can only operate it on the streets with the windshield down if all occupants are wearing DOT safety helmets with face shields - kinda defeats the purpose.