ok next july were getting married i would like to incorperate some traditonal native american ceremony into ours like the 7 steps, blanket ceremony and fire ceremony but how can i make it modern? also if i have everyone take a river stone into the ceremony there thoughts prayers ect.. will be then collected and i can put them in a vase at the alter and have everyone come up and place there stones in the vase. GOOD OR BAD? HELP!
That's a tough one Anything you could do to get fired quickly from your job (stealing, assaulting an employee, etc.) could get you in serious trouble with the law. A major intentional screw-up of a project could get you sued. It could take you several weeks (maybe even a few months) of general poor performance at work to get you terminated. If that is the case, better to give your 3 months notice now, and leave on good terms.
ok , , vtunnel, ztunnel, atunnel., or search for anonymous web browsing and you should get a whole bunch of other ones
Doesn't Obama's rhetoric sound similiar to Karl Marx?
there are a hundred of you that ask this same question everyday, so tell all your friends not to post this question if they want to know the answer search for it in answers and look at the answers that were givin to the other 10,000 people who have asked the same question. That's what answers are for look to see if someone has posted the same question you have first before posting your own. It's a waste of space watching this same question be posted three or for times on each page of questions, ask some real questions and quite beating a dead horse, school is to learn not screw off on myspace so quite wasting tax payers money. If you really want to know the answer to your question call your schools admin and ask them, there the one's that set it up and I'm sure they could give you the answers you need. hehe