I currently operate a rug store that sells almost all persian rugs in Santa Rosa California (in the San Fransisco bay area). Operation is rather stable but I have two issues.1. I sell high quality rugs and hence the prices are more expensive reflecting the quality. However, many customers can find designs similar to mine on the internet at 1/3 to 1/4 of the price. (internet is 600, mine are 3000). If you put the rugs side by side you can DEFINATELY tell the drastic difference in quality. How should I cope with this?2. I am hoping to think of an idea used to promote the sale of these rugs. Any sort of promotion would be great just to get people to start buying.I have money to spend on ideas. Thanks, All help is appreciated. Best Answer will be chosen promptly.
Try getting a catalog out to the rich folks.
not to sound rude, but they have marketing and advertising companies that you can hire that can help you, since money is no object - ask the professionals, they're great. Also, check out Martha Stewart online for great tips
How about designing a fancy certificate of authenticity stating the value of the rug and it's quality of construction.
1. Regarding the issue about cheaper rugs online: If they really are worse in quality, maybe you should consider putting it on display and comparing it to one of your rugs. That's probably the only thing I can think of right now. 2. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Start an online rug business on the side. It doesn't cost a penny more, and you have a better opportunity to give valuable details on your products.