If a Fire Department put a hose in your home and turned the water on, would you call it a leak?
Hi Melanie: There are many types of fire extinguishers for several types of fires. First and foremost hydrogen and oxygen will never be used in an extinguisher since oxygen aids fire and hydrogen is highly flammable. Can't extinguish fire with fire :P. Some extra info: There are 3 types of fires: i) Ordinary combustible fires (wood/cloth/etc) ii) Flammable liquids (gasoline/paints/etc) iii) Electric equipment fires (motors/switches/etc) Each of these categories uses a different fire extinguisher: i) Water, Halon, or Dry Chemical ii) CO2, Halon, or Dry Chemical ii) CO2, Halon or Dry Chemical None ever use oxygen or hydrogen, you can safely say the answer to your question is CO2, carbon dioxide!
Link doesn't give much information, does it? I guess $70 for Pflueger isn't too bad, considering their reels are crap nowadays.