if a mosquito is dipped into water and released,it is not able to fly till it is dry again.explain?????????
I've never see one But now that I think on it, it's kind of stupid.. What two things do you think of when you put politics and the stove together? 1. From the fire into the frying pan 2. A pot calling the kettle black Why would anyone want people to subconsciously make that leap? Gladys!! *pfffft!! THAT WAS FUNNY!
I think that Peter is a great exampleas well as, any of Christ's disciples.that we are but flesh and flesh will fall and make mistakes but that Jesus is here to lift us up and teach us that what have just done is not the way but then he shows us the right way to go. I firmly believe that the Lord sends us into the path of a fellow Christian so that we may be uplifted and grow more in God by hearing what this other person has to say or ever see what they are doing! I think about bible passages and the words in redpraise the Lord.oh how much or Lord loved Peter with his many mistakes and short comings but that is exactly why Jesus said to forgive seventy times seven times a day! Jesus is always here to forgive us as soon as we ask him.
I don't recall ever getting one of those. I'm assuming you are referring to the item that you use to pick up a hot pot with or use to set one down upon. Back in the 70's, a pot holder could mean something else too! Edit: LOL . . . after teaching school for over 40 years, it's amazing what your students teach you!!!
No, I just keep getting Junk mail for my EX from the Republican party asking where is his donation to the Republican party for the upcoming election. Boy they must be hurting, to keep badgering for it. An it makes me wonder how much money they are spending sending these requests out to people. Maybe they could save, money by not spending all this money trying to get money. I figure if people want to donate they will, if not leave me alone.
When the so and so came to our house and personally handed us a potholder. I lived in Northridge, CA. It was around 1960. I forgot all about that! LOL