If a motorcycle tire (rear) is put on backwards will that ruin the tire.?
I am looking to buy a bike that has new tires on it and I noticed that who ever installed the new tire that they put it on with the tread going the wrong way. The seller didnt notice it when he picked it up from the shop and he has been riding it. Does this tire need to be replaced or just reinstalled properly. Thanks
A plug will only work on a tubeless tire. A plug is only a temporary fix - to get you home or to a shop. Motorcycle tires flex (auto tires not as much) - the flexing of the tire will allow the plug to lose adhesion and leak - eventually leading to complete failure to hold air. Flat tires at high speeds are dangerous. Don't take the chance - fix it right the first time.
depends on the loose nut behind the wheel, and how much weight is applied to the system and how often, al in all good parts should last indefinately, but not forever
i own a repair shop and ceramic pads not only out last other pads ,but they stop a lot better and produce a lot less brake dust also,,there just a better pad alway around,,they cost more,,but are worth it,,good luck.
Take off the tire and rim, take it to a motorcycle shop and have them turn the tire around. It has not likely destroyed anything, the tread on motorcycle tires is designed to shed water one way, that's usually the reason for the direction indicator on the tire.
A plug will only work on a tubeless tire. A plug is only a temporary fix - to get you home or to a shop. Motorcycle tires flex (auto tires not as much) - the flexing of the tire will allow the plug to lose adhesion and leak - eventually leading to complete failure to hold air. Flat tires at high speeds are dangerous. Don't take the chance - fix it right the first time.
Depends mostly on the tire- which you didn't specify- and bike- which again you didn't specify. A 125cc street model with a street/trials pattern doesn't make enough difference to worry about. A 750 or higher racer with directional tread and cord weave for power as well as braking will be noticed on tracks, etc. Street cruiser with low profile tread for long life, weight carrying capability will not be much for normal riding. For 2 of 3 samples- change tire around when practical or before next race. You guess which sample like we have to guess which tire and cycle it is on.
depends on the loose nut behind the wheel, and how much weight is applied to the system and how often, al in all good parts should last indefinately, but not forever
i own a repair shop and ceramic pads not only out last other pads ,but they stop a lot better and produce a lot less brake dust also,,there just a better pad alway around,,they cost more,,but are worth it,,good luck.
Take off the tire and rim, take it to a motorcycle shop and have them turn the tire around. It has not likely destroyed anything, the tread on motorcycle tires is designed to shed water one way, that's usually the reason for the direction indicator on the tire.
Depends mostly on the tire- which you didn't specify- and bike- which again you didn't specify. A 125cc street model with a street/trials pattern doesn't make enough difference to worry about. A 750 or higher racer with directional tread and cord weave for power as well as braking will be noticed on tracks, etc. Street cruiser with low profile tread for long life, weight carrying capability will not be much for normal riding. For 2 of 3 samples- change tire around when practical or before next race. You guess which sample like we have to guess which tire and cycle it is on.