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if i have bed bugs should i sleep in my bed?

if i have bed bugs should i sleep in my bed?


No... they can be microscopic into their adolescence so I would recommend washing your sheets and all your linen. They generally take about 16-21 days to reach adult hood, in which case they can become visible. There are things you can buy at the supermarket or drug store that can help kill bed bugs.
I am an exterminator by trade. It is NOT true that bedbugs are only in filthy places...bedbugs are everywhere. They do not care about filth; only your blood. Roaches are the ones around filth. Bedbugs do not just go in your bed. Getting rid of your bed will NOT get rid of all the bedbugs. You can buy mattress and boxspring covers to trap them in. They do not chew through the covers. Careful if treating yourself, you can spread them to other rooms or other apartments in your building. Best to have a professional do it. If you are not the owner and just a renter...usually it is the lanlords responsibilty to pay for it. This is most state laws.
Bed bugs usually inhabit filthy conditions. You need to completely plastic wrap the contaminated mattress and dispose of it. I'd also get rid of the bedding and replace it all. Then I'd get my house professionally steam cleaned with the floors and someone to come help clean and disinfect the entire house. You won't see them but they will come out at night causing itching and other issues that can possibly make you sick.
Bed okorder
toss the bed in the dumpster, wash all bedding with Lysol, and have your home professionally cleaned.

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