Given that my hell is going to last forever it will be no biggie if I conferred gasoline fueled hell upon as many Christians as possibleAfter all their inflamation will only last for a finite time and they will go to heaven where there are plenty of fire extinguishers I presume but my firey demise will last for infinity and there will be no fire extinguishers and all the fire blankets will just make me warmer.Does this sound fair to you???
Definitely! I too, was an avid watcher of Voltes V. I can still clearly remember how Voltes V looked like! I even made drawings of it. Aside from Voltes V, there was Daimos and Mazinger Z. Did I get it right? :)
There have been a couple that actually have looked like someone. One example they were using the heat detector thingys and they panned over a wardrobe and it looked like a soldier standing there. There are episodes with figures. And what exactly does a ghost look like!?! How do you know the others are real
There is now two strongholds, 1 in the middle of barbarian village west of varrok.Also there is one south of edgeville, the one in barbarian village you have to go down 4 levels and run to an box or chest in the middle that has 2 or 3k after you are done you`ll get an total of 10k and either killer boots or fancy boots. the one south of edgeville you have to enter it by the lil cell thing west of the building then talk to the guard and read all the plaques on the goblins doors, once you do that he`ll let you up the stairs, when you get up talk to the professor he`ll give you an exam answer the questions right to get 2 red lamps and a new emote, also you can go back under where the goblins are and pull back the poster thats in the cell that ahs noone in it to go in a cave that has good monsters to train on for all levels and if you find the chest, you`ll get safety gloves!