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If Rock vs. Cena vs. Punk happens at WM29, who do you think Undertaker would face?

So as everyone knows the rumor is that Punk will face Taker Cena will face Rock for the title at WM29 but I have a feeling that we'll see the triple threat instead. And so if we do see the triple threat, who do you think Taker will face?IMO, I would say he should either face Orton, Kane, or team with Kane to face The Shield. What do you guys think? NOTE: THE ONLY REASON I DIDN'T SAY TAKER VS. LESNAR IS BECAUSE I DON'T THINK IT'LL HAPPEN SINCE THE RUMOR IS THAT LESNAR'S STYLE IS TOO ROUGH FOR TAKER AT HIS AGE.


training and exercise crate is a training tool not to live in take to trainer and learn how to train this dog
Appliances are an integral part of every household, from a simple electric clock to the microwave oven to decorative holiday lights. These safety tips can help keep all appliances operating safely: ?Unplug unused appliances and stow cords safely out of reach of pets, young children or hazardous situations. ?Appliances that generate heat, such as clocks, televisions and computer monitors, should be given several inches of clearance all around for good air circulation and cooling. Do not drape clothes, toys or other items over warm appliances. ?Always follow appliance instructions carefully, and do not attempt amateur repairs or upgrades. ?Keep all electrical appliances away from water such as sinks, bathtubs, pools or overhead vents that may drip. ?Do not operate any electrical appliance with wet hands or while standing in water. ?Keep clothes, curtains, toys and other potentially combustible materials at least three feet away from radiators, space heaters, heating vents and other heat sources.
Try a product called bitter apple or something similar. It is a spray that has a bitter taste but wont hurt dogs. You should be able to find it or something like it at any pet store. Just keep it by the door and spray your clothes or hand where he normally bites. Hopefully the taste will make him uninterested until he gets the point. Good luck!

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