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In Britain, can the government still legally tell you what kind of clothes you can't wear?

In 1721, the British parliament passed a law which banned its citizens from wearing cotton clothing. Can they still legally do that today?Another thing, why do most developed countries have constitutions that afford citizens right to vote, fair trial, and speak their opinion, yet there's nothing in most of them that say we have to right to wear cotton if we wanted to? Seems like property rights always take the backseat.


If you just want it to look like it, of course. If you want it to function exactly like Iron Man Fiction is a wonderful thing. You might want to start by building the power supply. If you were to acheive a power supply that is as small as IronMan's and has even one one hundredth of that power, the world will beat a path to your door and you will be rich beyond your imagination.
Don't smoke in the house. Go out on the balcony or even in the bathroom while you smoke.
The vapor generated from an e-cigarette isn't strong enough to set off a smoke detector. But just to be sure, try stealth vaping (inhaling the e-cigarette vapor for a few seconds before exhaling it) which reduces the amount vapor that comes out of your mouth.

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