as this is our fire extinguisher
The shop makes a huge profit on parts. They buy them for a third of what you pay for them. They don't have to shop for them, they have them delivered for free once a day by the supplier. Usually the same one you bought from. They plan on that parts markup for their profit and the mechanic gets a commision for putting parts on your car. Very few people will put your parts on unless they charge extra. Also they can't guarantee parts they didn't buy from the distributor, because the distributor is the one who guarantees the parts. Some independant mechanics will do it for you.
I guess he doesn't worship your Fire God. i guess the only thing he can do is take a swim daily or something, maybe ask the water god to protect him. Something like that, I guess.
A lunk is defined as anyone who grunts, slams weights around or judges others while working out. People like this intimidate others from wanting to work out. If they catch you being a jerk, they'll sound the lunk alarmwhich is just an air siren. So if you're a meathead who screams while you work out, don't use Planet Fitness. lol That said, you really have to be grunting loudly on every rep before they're going to say anything to you. If you've been to a gym before, you know what I mean. Just go, mind your own business, and don't be the stereotypical meathead. Odds are slim you'll even hear the lunk alarm, let alone be because of you.