In regards to classic elements such as water and earth, fire and air, what do each suit represent in a Tarot deck, when looking at a traditional playing card deck with the hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs suits ?
The Shield does have what it takes to win as they continue to build, grow and strengthen themselves to become a full-fledged aggressive superior faction and the best since the likes of Four Horsemen, Hart Foundation, Dengeration X and NWO. Which means John Cena will have to forefit/relinquish his Wrestlemania main event spot while Ryback's push will not be affected.
Sheild losing to cena's team will make them week.
well the're facing 3 guys who can't wrestle what so ever but yet again the're power houses. So I think Sheild gonna get beat.
Eating disorders are incredibly hard to deal with. Realize that people with eating disorders don't see it as a problem, they see it as a solution to a problem. They aren't upset with their behavior, they're empowered by it.
Looking at it this way, they're facing a guy with 5 moves, one who cannot even lift both Paul Heyman and Tensai, and one who seems to be decent. They have a good chance, but the WWE booking is in charge, so it's pretty low. Sad considering they actually have talent and if the WWE want to carry on their destructive path, the best way is to have them beat the WWE's resident superheroes.