My dog got ahold of a ball point pen and chewed it up on my tan carpet. My husband decided to leave it alone for three days till i got home. How do I remove a three day old Blue ink stain from light tan carpet? Peroxide did nothing, hairspray lightened it. Carpet spot remover did nothing. I have people coming for the holidays please help.....Thanks Shaye
yes i know what you can do get a Cleaner Called RAM it has a Ram logo on it like the dodge truck! RAM thats what its called an all purpose non toxic cleaner. IT CLEANS CLEANS CLEANS EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
You will probably need to resort to a solvent type cleaner that will actually dissolve the ink, especially now that it is dry. Perhaps something like Energene would do the trick. GOOD LUCK!
I think that if you use dish detergent in warm water and try to get it on the spots and blot it, repeatedly, you'll get it out. Any degreaser should help. Ball point pen ink is oil based. You could try straight detergent, then rinse/blot with warm clean water.
I would have suggested hair spray, and you said it lightened it, so below are two links. The first link talks about the hair spray, and to saturate the ink stain with it, and what to do next... The other link gives you tips for trying to remove it using nail polish removal. Test this out on a hidden corner of your carpet before using on the stain, to make sure it doesn't pull the color out of your carpet. Best of luck!