I have a glass cage that's 36quot; long, 29quot; tall and 15quot; deep and I was wondering if I could put a couple leopards in here or would it be too tall? I have a big branch that goes from the bottom to the top and I was gonna put excavator clay in for him to climb also.
For two FEMALE adult leopard geckos, that's a good cage. Make sure you watch for bullying and make sure they're both getting enough to eat. Provide them with several different hides, as well, not just the 3 necessary hides (hot, cool, humid). I wouldn't recommend having the big branch in there, as they could fall and injure themselves. They do climb, but not very well. The excavator clay can also be a pain in the butt to work with. Not only is it messy, but it can collapse if it gets too dry and small amounts can still get ingested. Since it's clay, it can easily impact a leopard gecko even in small amounts. Stick to something solid such as tile, linoleum, vinyl, paper towels, newspaper, or butcher paper.