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Is home grown tomatoes the same as organic?

I just started a very strict diet due to a medical condition and it says that I can't eat store bought tomatoes but I can eat home grown, so is that the same as organic?


yes but,do not use any chemical fertilizers or pesticides or youll be eating that ,and there goes your organic status.use organic fertilizers and natural pest control methods only there are even organic minerals you can add to the soil to super charge the nutrient value of your tomatoes.
If you don't use chemical pesticides and fertilizers,it's organic.Storebought vegetables use both.
Well, homegrown taste soooo much better. But yea, if you don't use anything but sunlight then that's organic. Organic means you use no pesticides or any kinds of chemicals.
organic refers to not using pesticides or chemicals to enhance the fruit or vegetable. This can be done on home grown farms or large-scale corporate farms Note to organic lovers - specifically beef: We are cattle farmers. And I advocate for each of my cows to receive injections and medicines as they need. Does this rule our the term organic? I would hope not as it would seem cruel and unusual punishment to let an animal suffer when sick if all it needs is penicilin. To be a farmer, one fertilizes the ground-albeit natural fertilizer- to grow a stronger, thicker pasture for hay. One sprays chemicals only on the thistles so they don't choke out the grass the cows eat. We give immunizations against Black Leg and other serious diseases. We treat snake bites, runny noses, and cuts. If we did not use any medicines the condition of its life would be harmed. Is this the intention of organics? I don't see the benefits. Where would the human race be if we stayed organic and weren't allowed medicines and were quickly put down when we had a medical disease that we couldn't receive medicine for? Why can't we just find (or create) pesticides that can be used without harming us?
Actually organic does allow both fertilizers and pesticides they just have to be from non synthetic sources-i.e. made from non manufactured sources. No a home grown tomato is not necessarily the same as an organic tomato. There is lots of chemical use in home gardens. Things like Miracle Gro, Sevin Dust, roundup and other poisons are routinely used in home gardens and are not organic in any way shape or form. An organic tomato would be grown organically in a garden that has not had synthetics applied in many years. The crops are rotated around the garden plot. Cover crops and compost is applied to the soil so that the soil grows and is healthy. Areas around the garden are set up to attract beneficial insects and other critters to control the pest population. No synthetic pesticides can be used but insecticides such as soap sprays, garlic sprays etc are used to control pests.

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