Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Gantry Cranes > Is it legal for me to have a neighbors car towed from my assigned parking spot in front of my townhome?

Is it legal for me to have a neighbors car towed from my assigned parking spot in front of my townhome?

My boyfriend and I live in a town home with assigned parkingEach town home gets the two spots in front of their homeThe guy 2 doors down keeps stealing our spotsThere are exactly enough spots for each home to have 2So this guy stealing our spot, means we have to park alllllll the way down in guest parkingI'm pregnant and really don't want to walk all the way to my home, at night, when I'm supposed to be able to park right in front of my doorWe've told this guy several times about the ASSIGNED parking and where his two spots are, but he keeps taking ours, or our neighborsMy question isis it legal for us to have his car towed every time he continues to take our spot? Like I saidit is assigned parking in a complexSo I wasn't sure what the rules are there.Management has been notified and all she said was to quot;politely knock on their door and ask them to move.quot; Which we haveMany timesAnd he won'tWe're desperate and annoyedAny advice would be welcomed.


Go back to management and tell her that you HAVE done wtf she asked and they have blown you off each time.ask her if she can give her number to YOU so every time he does this you can call HER and have HER come and tell him to move.Also put your requests in writing from this point forward to management as well as asking if she has some one above her that you could bring this situation to their attention as CLEARLY it seems to be above her pay grade GOOD grief.all the stupid cow has to do is send him a letter telling him he is violation or the rules and that should solve the issueSorry not cross at you but wtf is wrong with people that they feel they have to make some thing so little and easily solved into such a big dealEDIT I would get as many of the other neighbours to write to her, [basically she can not hide a paper trail, she can deny a phone call] and ask for the actual owners contact info as again she does not SEEM to be able to handle a simple task.your doctor writing a note about not having to walk any further than needed might add some weight to your letter, keep copies of EVERYTHINGAlso would not hurt to call the local non emergency number for the police and ask if the car can be towedAny chance the other neighbours that he has also done this to would be willing to block him in totally one day when he has parked in the wrong spot.we did this with one idiot that would park across our drive way, and nothing seemed to work.so got a group of mates to box him in, the ONLY way that car was going to get out was to by lifted by crane [helps if the guys that own the other cars are big and burly lol lol] and then just sit outside and watch the fun.another solution which was also GREAT fun to watch was to see this group of guys actually bounce the car out of the spot and then leave it in a very awkward spot.this time they wedged it between two trees and then sat back to watch the guy spend nearly an hour trying to inch his way out of the spot.
Go back to management and tell her that you HAVE done wtf she asked and they have blown you off each time.ask her if she can give her number to YOU so every time he does this you can call HER and have HER come and tell him to move.Also put your requests in writing from this point forward to management as well as asking if she has some one above her that you could bring this situation to their attention as CLEARLY it seems to be above her pay grade GOOD grief.all the stupid cow has to do is send him a letter telling him he is violation or the rules and that should solve the issueSorry not cross at you but wtf is wrong with people that they feel they have to make some thing so little and easily solved into such a big dealEDIT I would get as many of the other neighbours to write to her, [basically she can not hide a paper trail, she can deny a phone call] and ask for the actual owners contact info as again she does not SEEM to be able to handle a simple task.your doctor writing a note about not having to walk any further than needed might add some weight to your letter, keep copies of EVERYTHINGAlso would not hurt to call the local non emergency number for the police and ask if the car can be towedAny chance the other neighbours that he has also done this to would be willing to block him in totally one day when he has parked in the wrong spot.we did this with one idiot that would park across our drive way, and nothing seemed to work.so got a group of mates to box him in, the ONLY way that car was going to get out was to by lifted by crane [helps if the guys that own the other cars are big and burly lol lol] and then just sit outside and watch the fun.another solution which was also GREAT fun to watch was to see this group of guys actually bounce the car out of the spot and then leave it in a very awkward spot.this time they wedged it between two trees and then sat back to watch the guy spend nearly an hour trying to inch his way out of the spot.

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