She refuses to be covered in a kennel or blanket even if it is cold.
All dogs are individuals and some will snuggle under a blanket whilst others are comfortable in their coat to maintain a normal body temperature when the weather is coldIf your btch is happy, then she's fineIf it was a fine coated single breed such as a Dobermann that chills easily and dislikes cold weather, if kennelled outside it would require a blanket to sleep in, otherwise the dog may tolerate it, but would be miserable and chilled to the bone in cold weather.
If memory serves me correctly, Thermolft is a bit denser than PrimaloftThe plus is that it will be a bit warmer if wet, the downside is it doesn't allow as much breathability as PrimaloftBoth are generally very warmThe key, as Chris stated, is to keep dry, so invest in something with a Gore-Tex membrane or a similar waterproof/breathable materialIf it's really cold, I wear mittens tooThey are much warmer.