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What is the green area of the pressure gauge on the extinguisher?

What is the green area of the pressure gauge on the extinguisher?


Generally, the pressure gauge GREEN indicates safety range, yellow means warning, red means danger. Green: safety range can be used; yellow: lack of pressure, need to add perfusion; red: too much pressure, dangerous, need immediate overhaul!
The green pressure is normal, you can use it. When you get to the red zone, the pressure is too low to be used properly. It needs to be inflated. Just like the red light
Domestic fire extinguishers generally pressure gauges are divided into three grades, both three colors.When the pressure gauge pointer refers to the red part, it shows that the pressure in the bottle is not enough, and the extinguisher can not be used properly.Refers to the yellow part, indicating too much pressure, prone to danger.When it comes to the green section, the extinguisher is normal.

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