I heart from the local news a couple of years back that an old man in his 60s died from CO poisoning due to a faulty gas heater in his bedroom, and as he did not have any relatives, his body had been left to rot for one month before the authorities and coroner came to take him out. He also failed to install detectors.Is it possible for old homes with faulty gas heaters to kill people like this? Should gas heating be banned then?
There are a number of different materials which fire extinguishers can contain, including: Dry chemicals, something similar to baking soda Foam Water Water with additives and something called a Clean Agent such as carbon dioxide. Different types of material are required to put out different types of fire. For instance, if you were light a puddle of gasoline on fire, you wouldn't be able to put it out by dumping water on it. Instead, you would have to use a dry chemical, which would prevent a the reaction between fuel, heat and oxygen and therefore extinguishing the fire.
Only an idiot would want four more years of Obamanomics, unemployment, exploding debt and sky-high gas, food and energy prices. Obama has not acted in the best interests of the American people. Obama has proven himself incompetent and his policies have been a complete failurewhats to like? Who could want four more years of Obama-Drama? Obama has proven he is not on Americas sideas an american, I wil be voting for the cadidate who puts America and our citizens First. Romney 2012Put America First.