I may soon have to relocate to a place where the electricity is infrequent but my livelihood depends on the internet. my plan is to access the internet through the telephone and run the computer on a diesel generator and also an inverter. is it possible, what precautions should i take to make this work. will this plan work.
Yes you can run a computer on a generator. I would recommend that you use a stabilizer and a ups together with it to safeguard against any fluctuation in voltage and not lose your work if at any time it fails. Wish you all the best.
It's possible but I wouldn't recommend it for long periods of time, especially if the generator is unreliable. If it's going to go out frequently, that could hurt your computer (and your livelihood) in the long run. Probably smartest investment you could make would be solar panels. You don't have to buy expensive fuel for your generator that way.
Get a surge protector or a battery back up just incase, with generators you are more prone to get voltage spikes causing the voltage to go up and down. I would connect the computer tower and the monitor on a surge protector. But it should be ok other than that.
Not a problem at all. Although a battery backup is relatively inexpensive and would be invaluable if the generator runs out of fuel or quits for some reason. It would give you time to do a normal shut down. Make sure your inverter is a regulated power supply, you don't want extreme voltage or current fluctuations.
We have a generator backup in place at work. It works fine. Besure you have a good surge strip. You will need a UPS too.