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Is it the mechanics fault for not telling me my axle would break?

I just got a brake and rooter replacement. My axle broke into pieces the next day as I was driving it. They told me there was a clicking noise before this when you turn the wheel. I asked if that was a problem and they said no.


Get your tires balanced.
sure will, you need to have your wheel balance checked.
The mechanic is at fault in this situation. The he had know way of knowing excuse is BS. A professional mechanic is required to inspect those items, particularly if it's producing a bad sound, etc. He may not have known it was going to break the next day but he could've easily determined it was going to fail soon by performing the proper diagnostics. If you really want to get it paid for by the shop that serviced it you're going to have to put up a fight. They will deny having any liability. If they're a larger shop or a small business with some legal smarts they may have included a liability disclamer in the invoice you probably had to sign. If this is the case there truly isn't much you can do, a liability disclaimer releases them from all responsibility for items they did not repair malfunctioning. It could go either way, you certainly have the right to be ticked off.check over your invoice for a liability disclaimer, if you don't find one then go after them! Hope this helps!
No, its not their fault. A mechanic is like a doctor, they have to start with the most obvious things then if there is still a problem (noise) they would look for more problems. That's if they are good. IF the noise was gone after the brake job, why would they look for anything else. And if they did say you still need a new axle, you may have thought they were just looking for more money from you. Mechanics have a hard job, I would ask them if they saw or heard anything after their work. They may give you a break on fixing the axle if they are a nice place. Good luck
Did you take the car to a qualified mechanic, or to some tire or lube shop? A qualified mechanic would have looked at the axle, and most likely seen that the CV boot was torn and leaking grease. A quick lube / tire shop would only look at the problem that the car was brought in to have checked. The clicking noise was the CV joint that was getting ready to fail! The shop should have caught the problem, but you chose a shop that did not. I would have the car towed to a better shop, and when you find a good mechanic, give him all your work! You may pay a bit more for the basic stuff (like oil changes), but a quality shop will look over the car every time it is on the lift! You get what you pay for!

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