Or light photons, i don't know.And why?
light is not considered a chemical chemicals are either the basic substances which make up the periodic table (hydrogen, helium, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, silver, gold, tin, uranium etc); or combinations of these basic substances (like water - which is hydrogen and oxygen combined; or salt, which is sodium and chlorine combined) light is ENERGY more specifically, light is ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY eg, when hydrogen and helium combine in the sun, some of their energy is given off as LIGHT light can appear to be a particle (a photon), or it can appear to be a wave
No. Light does not consist of matter.
Light is a by-product of matter -- not matter itself. Curiously, however, sunlight does have weight. It amounts to about 1 pound per square mile.
It can be considered a wave or a elementary particle, but not a chemical. Light is strange. Visible light is a wave length that is small portion of the electromagnet spectrum, which includes radio waves, microwaves, and x-rays. This visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum activates the nerves in our eyes and sends messages to our brains and we see. Sometimes light is small packets called photons. These photons can be seen by how they effect what they hit. So sometimes light is a wave and sometimes it is a very small piece of matter called a photon.