I hit a speed bump not too long ago, going maybe 30-35 over it. The car obviously felt and sounded bad, but I‘m worried about damage to it. It‘s a new 2014 forester, will it be hurt? The suspension is new, could this have hurt the car already? Put my mind at ease.
Cars are now designed with special shock and suspensions and since it's NEW.chances are the only thing bruised here is your ego. Older cars would have moaned and groaned and maybe something woulda broke, If you don't hear any weird noises or the car doesn't have a tendency to stray one way or the other on the road.I'd say you're just fine!! ( chances are you MIGHT have a scratch on your lower oil pan. Look for any leaks.I have a feeling you'll be fine though.check it out if you wantthey'll charge just to LOOK though. ) I think you'll be fine!
No you car isn't hurt. Don't worry about it. You are just having some new-car owner symptoms. Where you always think the worst things about your car. First off Its a Subaru Forester, Excellent car! They are more rugged than people give them credit for. And its brand new. So you suspension system is properly working therefore you have nothing to worry about. The car is quite literally made for that
With a normal sedan yeah but should be fine with a forester. If you didnt hear anything sound like it broke or didnt bottom out out then dont worry.