Okay, so I bought this Chilean Rose two days ago, and the pet store she was at didn't have very nice conditions for her. I'm not sure when was the last time her tank was cleaned. Since I brought her home she hasn't moved much, and prefers to stay in a corner. Since peat/vermiculite substrate is not easy to find here, I just got some soil from the nearby park for her. Now that I've cleaned the tank, and changed the soil, I thought she'd be happier...but now she prefers to crawl on the walls of the tank. Is this normal behaviour? Is it because the new soil is too damp? Help.
zoo med: EcoEarth I think is the best, it comes in a compact brick that you add hot water to and it swells up. It is made up of coconut husks, it's easy to clean holds moisture, and is great to burrow in.
I use the eco-earth (that block thing you put in water) for my pacman frog and he digs all the way to the bottom easy. I would suggest that stuff but it's awful messy so use a HUGE bucket!
Zoo Med: Eco Earth (the compact brick things you add water too). Zoo Med: Excavator Clay Burrowing Substrate T-Rex: Jungle Bed or Forest Bed I find these to be the best options.
I have loads of these little guys... LOVE EM!! It is important that the substrate can hold moisture, the spider can burrow and that it is free from chemicals etc.. I use peat moss that you can get from reptile stores or really good pet shops.. I usually get it from bunnings as its way cheaper and exactly the same. (im not sure how much but just be very sure it has no pesticides or chems) Good luck!! :)