Will these rods increase chances of a lightning stroke on the metallic structure or they will help to save it. Why we need to place lightining rods on a mettalic structure when the whole building itself is a conductor. Placement of lightning rods will increase the height of the metallic building and will it not more susceptible to lightning strokes now than without lightning rods? A detailed answer is requested please
Licking the egg gunk off the patriots' flipflops
Put my feet up in the recliner by the fireplace and read a book while I listen to the rain.
it could be that you what things to be black and white and easy in your life but they have a habit of changing around and you are looking deep enough, i'm no dream expert ( though i am interested in them) but this seems like something that could be a possibility
The treehouse is a secret club of children. It is your childhood, and in it, locked away, is a hidden truth of something you did to a person you considered beneath you. The truth lay buried for 4 years, and then something you did released it, and the truth itself locked part of you away.