im making a blowgun and ive gotten reccomendations for bamboo and river cane if you know which is better plz tell me that too :)
that would depend on the application, thickness and exposureConcrete will stay the same temperature for longer but it retains both heat and coldWood will trap more air in it and for the same thickness provide better resistance to heat or cold traveling through itNeither is a very good insulator when compared to other materials.
Correctly installed they are always an improvementFirst check the integrity of the damp course then lay an extra damp proof membrane over the concreteOver this lay thermal underlay and then the floating floorBe very careful to allow an expansion gap all the way around the basementDepending on the material and humidity of your area this gap would be between 7 to 15 mm, this is then covered with a skirting boardp.sbring the D.P.Mup the wall and cover with the skirting.
Any material with open pockets of air will insulate better than a material that is solid, Wood is made up of thousands of tiny open cells and it insulates a hundred times better than the equivalent thickness of concrete.
Neither one is good for a blowgun, the inside is not straightGet some aluminum or plastic tubing.