It‘s not like period craps. It‘s a consent pain I didn‘t know if I could be a system or if it was common in the beging of a pregancey. I don‘t if I am pregnant or not. Getting a test soon.
i wouldnt think you would be pregnant. usually its starts with morning sickness. that was my first sign, although it was after taking the test. but maybe you are having digestive problems or might be your gall bladder. you should get a test now to see if you are pregnant or not and if not go get checked to see if your gall bladder is alright
Yes, moderate/ constant pain in the abdomen is a symptom of pregnancy. It should not be severe though. You can test accurately a week after you miss your period. Good luck :)
I think this question is a case of auto correct gone bad, but if you are asking if severe pain in the abdomen is a symptom of pregnancy then no, it is not. Light cramping, very similar to period cramping can be but severe pain is not normal during pregnancy. If you are pregnant and have severe stomach pain it could be a sign that something is wrong.
There was no definite date when humans first 'discovered' iron. Why? It was so long ago, no records survived. Best educated guesses are humans starting using iron around 1200BC in Near East/Europe.