What im getting at is, should the bps settings on both be the same? or slightly off?for example.. marker is 13bps..should loader also be 13bps or something slightly higher like 15bps?please excuse my naivety, although I am quite knowledgeable about paintball, I am still noob in some areas.Thanks!
You normally want a loader that can feed as fast or faster then you can shoot the marker. You want to be able to always have a ball in the chamber when you shoot.
Honestly... your putting way to much thought into this. You see, actually as long as you have a good loader and clean eyes on your gun, youll be fine. Truth is, your not at all likely to ever come anywhere close to firing 13 ball per second. Dont let any douche bags tell they can either. Most professional paintball players cant even shoot that fast. The ones that can, seldom do.