I woke up to see my window had frosted over. I wiped away the mist to see a white blanket of snow had delicately fallen on the ground. I opened my window and smelt freshly baked ginger bread men being taken out of the oven. I grabbed my woolly soft gloves and my fur lined coat. I ran out and saw that the Jincal River had frozen over completely. As the day went on icicles started to cling to my drainpipes and roof. The glistening Christmas Tree in the town square was Beautiful. There was bright red ribbons, shiny gold bells, velvet green holly with juicy red berries and the most gorgeous silver glitter star at the top. As night drew in the thick smoke from peoples toasty fires filled the crisp clean air. I closed my eyes and curled up under the covours and went to bed.
just tell them it's alright, everybody have accidents. Don't make a big issue of it, and no there is no certain age for that because some people have over active bladders, especially when they are asleep, maybe it's time for your parents to go to the doctor and have them checked and discuss that issue with the doctor. Good luck
If you are going to heat with wood, you need to get a newer cleaner burning wood stove. Oil, coal and wood all produce toxic fumes.
Yes Check the chemical in it and see what the medical recommendations are. If it's easier either post it or get it to me and I'll research it real quick I have many links for quick access. Best thing would be to grab up your buddies and take a ride to the local Emergency Room. This is used in some of the popular brands of extinguishers. Mono-ammonium phosphate Ingestion: Minimal hazard under normal conditions and use. Ingestion of large quantities may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, vomiting, weakness or other medically related problems. Inhalation: Dusty conditions may cause mechanical aggravation to respiratory mucous membranes. Eye Contact: Dust from this product may cause particulate discomfort to eyes. Skin Absorption: Not normally absorbed through the skin. Skin Contact: Slight dermal abrasion is possible with prolonged contact, especially around cuffs and collars. Effects of Overdose: Ingestion of large doses may cause diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps or formation of methemoglobinemia. Seek medical attention. Methemoglobinemia is a blood disorder in which the body cannot recycle hemoglobin after it is damaged. Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying molecule found in red blood cells. In some cases of methemoglobinemia, the hemoglobin is unable to carry oxygen effectively to body tissues.
The same question comes up again