I'm thinking about getting contacts this summer before school starts again. And I was wondering if it's safe to wear contacts during the organic chem lab while wearing saftey goggles.
Landlord is requried by firecode to have extinguishers, which are in good working order, for just such an event. You should pay him for the extinguishers that were IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. But, as with all matters involving landlord and tenant,,,,CHECK YOUR LEASE. If it doesn't say you pay,,,,, you don't pay. If it does say you pay,,,,,you pay.
That lightning can strike the same place twice is without a doubt. The Empire State Building gets hit about two dozen times per year! One bad storm saw lightning strike the building fifteen times in twenty minutes.
Just a thought..Could your car be covered under your landlords insurance ? l was hit by a car while standing in a parking lot and my auto insurance paid my bills even tho my car was at home.