If I were to knit a throw rug, what size needles and what type of yarn would work best for the project?
It's not uncommon to knit a rug. A few patterns are below with their specifics for needle and yarn. Good luck with whatever you end up knitting. Happy Knitting! IndigoMuse
I would probably crochet a throw rug rather than knit, but if you're determined... Definitely use a chunky weight or extra bulky yarn, or use 3 strands of worsted weight together. Use size 15 or larger knitting needles - circular if you can get them if you're going to make a fairly large rug.
When I was little, my dad's girlfriend knitted me a throw rug out of left over yarn from other projects. She started in the center and made a circular rug. The needles were quite large, I'm not sure if they were a 15 or not, but most likely they were. I loved it, but it slipped all over the place, so if you do make one, be sure to put some non-slip backing on it.
You can use any size yarn, but I'd opt for a larger needle. I made a purse out of strips of fabric I had left over from a quilting project. I simply knit every row until it was the size I wanted. It would have been great as a rug if I'd had enough fabric, but it had a great rag look to it! I think I used HUGE needles, size 19 or 35 to make it. This was a lot of fun, and the project was made VERY quickly!
i think u should use chunky wool yarns with big, fat needles cuz if u use the thin yarn and needles, it will take forever