Home > categories > Rubber & Plastics > Rubber Sheets > LadiesWhat draws to you to a man like dogs to a fire hydrant?

LadiesWhat draws to you to a man like dogs to a fire hydrant?

Like moths to the flame? Prepping for an Xmas party. I want my wife all over me like a cheap, skin-tight suit.I'll take my answers off the air.


If the keyboard has extended rubber sheet across the length under the buttons, there is no problem. Just tilt upside down. The liquid will get off. Try to dry it completely and power up and try whether it works or not. Thanks.
I'm studying English, and trying to find the (meaning) in Spanish translating, while listening to a song. I think I will learn (better) while listening to music. The song that is playing, is called: Long Road Out of Eden by The Eagles. And I'm having a doubt trying to translate this part of the song: Music blastin' from an SUV, On a bight and sunny day Rolling down the interstate In the God ol' USA Musica estallando de una SUV, En un día brilloso y soleado (**?sta parte es difícil de traducir por que no es literal.) Llendo en la interestatal De Dios en los EE.UU. Suerte con el inglés ! :]

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