After about 10-20 minutes since then charger is turned on, the laptop shuts down. Toshiba laptop/charger. 2 hours prior the metal rim of the laptop was 'zapping' me. Maybe related. Any ideas?
Hi Brandon Jay, I would believe either your DC jack is loose or your laptop is overheating. Make sure the fans aren't being blocked, the fans are clean, and you aren't setting the laptop on anything soft. If the DC jack is loose, the laptops charger can accidentally pop out and shut down the laptop (assuming either the battery is dead/not plugged in). If the rim is zapping you, I would perhaps suggest you purchase a new charger since a laptop charger isn't supposed to zap people. TopMic (google them) have great service and durable products. I've been using their chargers for over a year without problems (especially with zapping). Google them if you have time. Good luck! I hoped I helped!
the charge port is busted inside, google some repair options for your specific model #, some times it's an easy to replace module, this is very common
its hardware prolm,consult enggnr