
Lasers and goggles?

Kid on Youtube has a flashlight made into a green laser. It burns through a lot of things. He is wearing red goggles. How do the goggles protect his eyes? I think; if the laser can burn through even wood, what protection is plastic goggles, even if they are red, going to help him?


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Polyester is not listed as an insulation. You need to take a sample to a building supply store and have them identify the creature You can touch anything without goggles and gloves. Fibreglass bats (the pink or the yellow) is just fine strands of glass.Glass is inert meaning no chemical reaction with many chemicals and acids.Good idea to have a tight woven dress shirt on, as glass breaks and fine particles stick into the skin and cause you to scratch the area again and again until you bleed. They also fly into the air and you will suck it up in a breath where it then lodges into the lungs and cuts from the inside.. But no old insulators I know have died from the stuff and they used to blow the stuff in shirtless.Since then we have wised up and wear particle masks. As for R value, you need to know exactly what you got for material and then measure with a ruler in the ceiling cavity, the depth of the material. Then Google up the insulation you got when you know for sure which means going to a builders' supply store and ask them what the sample is.
Just go and put the sheets into the wash - cold water, so you don;t 'set' any urine stains. If the mattress does not have a protective covering on it (plastic) then at least flip it upside down, so the urine does not soad any further into the mattress, but back out the way it came in. Put a few towels under the mattress and inbetween that and the bed base if you can to soak up what you can. Just remember to take the towel/s out and wash them first thing tomorrow - or later on tonight (late night where I am). The mattress should be put in the sunshine to thoroughly dry as soon as possible - after being treated with some bicarb/peroxide or bicarb/vinegar solution to stop it from stinking in future. Bedwetting is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. . My youngest, now in mid 20's, didn't stop wetting the bed until he was almost 15. It was a medical problem and beyond his control at the time. He did a couple of times when he was 22 - but that was because he was that drunk he was virtually comatose! At least he told me so I could rescue a very expensive mattress!

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