if im laying it on a concrete floor do i just need to put the underlay down first, then the laminate?
that would be wise . it will give the boards a bit of a cushion
You definitely want to put down the underlay first. It gives it a cushion and the flooring will lay better.
Yes, the underlay works as a vapor barrier preventing water vapor diffusion from damaging your laminate. I'm not saying that water vapor diffusion is an issue most likely your HVAC system is currently addressing this, but once the laminate is down it will be much hard for the HVAC to work this issue in the future.
It would depend on the condition of the concrete floor, and the grade of laminate. If your concrete has ridges or divots, you could just put down skim coat to level it out. And if you are buying a higher grade solid laminate you wouldn't need any underlay. Follow the manufacturers instructions in order to maintain and keep the warranty valid.