Led wall led wall lamp has what feature,
Illuminate Angle has a limit, normally only illuminate is 120 °, and the ordinary energy-saving lamps to illuminate almost 360 ° (you want 360 degree of lighting is not much use, just a waste of electricity, LED fluorescent lamp has been very mature now)
The main characteristic is to save electricity and not to move eyes. But the price is too high for the standard light.
The illumination of the room is no better than the energy-saving lamp because leds are only in the very narrow Angle of the eye, which is high in brightness, and the light decreases rapidly as it deviates from that Angle. (the leds are now more than 30 percent brighter than the energy-saving ones
Each led bulb has a bright light, which stimulates the eyes, not directly, even for a short period of time, whereas the normal energy-saving light is softer. (LED is the modern eye's best lighting tool, which doesn't hurt your eyes.)
The Ed energy-saving lamp will have a stroboscopic effect on alternating current and regular incandescent lamps, while ordinary energy-saving lamps have no stroboscopic phenomena. Stroboscopic light can make eyes tired (now leds are run by dc, so they don't exist Stroboscopic phenomenon)