I'm only 18 and started working out a year ago.. I'm 135 pounds and 5'7 and can leg press 170, 205 on hip abductors, but only can do 60 pounds on arm press. I know women are stronger in their legs but is 170 pounds impressive or should I increase my weight more?
yes , if it is possible you can
theres nothing impressive about leg pressing, takes lot more strenght to squat 500lbs atg than leg press 2000lbs, and everyone is has stronger legs than upper body, if not something is wrong. and you should de free weight squats for better strenght development
It doesn't matter how much weight you can do, what matters is what you look like. Guys could care less how much weight a girl can lift, just what kind of body she has. If she keeps herself in good shape and looks good, than who cares how much she can bench press, leg press, etc. Same for guys as well. What matters is that you are putting enough weight on to get all of your reps in. The amount of reps you do depends on weather or not you want to get bigger muscles or just tone up. Higher weight, lower reps will put more muscle on. Lower weight but more reps will get you more tone.
This isn't a question. By leg pressing you are putting yourself in a position to injure or possibly even break your spine, just saying. Sure, you can press 170 pounds, but can you do 100 squats; no, I don't think so. It isn't impressive as the weight you do on a machine is detracted by the machine, leaving you less work to do compared to free weights that *you* (not the machine) lift. Good luck.