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Legal advice needed for possible civil action case (Motor Vehicle)?

Legal advice needed for possible civil action case (Motor Vehicle)?


I am a little confused by your questionIf you mean a natural alternative because wool irritates, for example, there's cotton, linen or silk.
Wool is a renewable resource, so it's green alreadySheep will grow more woolIf you are referencing the methane produced by sheep, there is research to integrate the stomach bacteria of kangaroos (who have much less gas) into sheep and cows to reduce the methane produced by their belching and fartingImagine that.
Mohair, oh wait that's woolKashmir, oops wool again Green nylonAt least the color would be green even though the material is notWool is, especially from sheep raised on organic farms
Uhwool is quite green alreadyI think all of wools alternatives (synthetic fibers) are much less greenNo plant based fabrics have the qualities of wool (cotton or hemp).
From this post and the other post it sounds like you have a civil case against the first mechanic, that's if you can find him, but i doubt you could get the DA to pursue a criminal case But under the civil case, you are going to need an expert mechanic to state in writing and testify that what the first mechanic did was the cause and effect that ruined your motor, you will need an expert to prevail in civil court doubt in this circumstance you can prevail on a mental anguish, since it would require you to show to the court that he intentional tried to cause mental anguish, versus just the problems that occur when a mechanic does inferior work on a car

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