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light speed increased near black hole ?

light speed ?


The speed of light in a vacuum is 186,282.3979.... miles per second. It is less passing through a medium such as glass or water. It can never be more. Near a black hole as light is pulled in its frequency (color) changes, but not its velocity. When the velocity needed to escape from an object exceeds the speed of light is when you get a black hole.
No light never changes speed. Black holes don't make matter accelerate they just condense matter near them pulling it together creating a vacuum towards the black hole.
No. Edit: @ R Moore. We know better simply because we know anything that travels AT the speed of light turns to energy. Simple to understand unless you haven't any idea of basic physics.
no the speed of light never changes, time and space change to accommodate it
It's not out of the question. If light can be directed/bent without losing speed, it stands to reason that it can and does supersede its own velocity when being whipped around an event horizon. The status of the protons would definitely be a reactive momentum which would cause, and not stop at, past-light-speed acceleration -- However Momentary the Event.

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