I'm at a house in the plains. There is a thunder storm rolling in and I want to take pictures of the lightning. I get a lightning rod and walk out away from the house and stick the metal rod into the ground. I look back at the house; I've put the rod too close. If the rod is too close to the house, it will attract lightning to the house too. I go out further stab it into the gound again, still too close. The third time I place the rod, it is in a good spot.The weather is picking up. I look across the plains and see a giant cowboy statue wearing a yellow red shirt and jeans walking out across the ground to me (it's like some tacky tourist attraction type thing). It frightens and angers me. I yell out a challenge to the cowboy and the storm: I will get you. The cowboy and the storm are somehow connected, part of the same whole.That's roughly where it ended. I always thought it had some meaning, but couldn't find a meaning that felt right.
You are still required to have regular smoke detector, the carbon detector is not a replacement for the regular fire and smoke detectors whichever may apply Commercial properties are required to have all 3 vs residential properties are only smoke, and now carbon detector. And its really not because you have a risk of carbon poisoning , unless its due to your own negligence Like bringing your grill indoors to keep warm.Apparently in this day and age no one has learned history of others doing stupid things and Hey y''all watch this was born. So because 9 people across multi states didn't have enough common sense {Its no longer taught The federal Government made it a law which means every home in the USA rental,commercial, or otherwise, is now required to also have a carbon detector. Just so the few get a little device that says carbon detector on its case is beeping.And they can take their tiny little brain and say that was stupid and run outside call the fire department because they are ignorant . Hence the reason why your now required to have both. And a whole bunch of new companies and even some that make regular detectors are making billions of tax free dollars on everyone else that have common sense but that's the whole gospel truth of the matter So do not dis connect the regular fire system you have, add the carbon detector to the current system, that is the new federal rules for everyone one including home owners which are the ones that spurred the creation of the law hope that helps Lr
It looks like the only solution for your wireless connection problem is for you to ask your parents to give you the network's password. I don't think you can change the network's security to unsecured, even though that would make you connect to your wi-fi without a password :/