I am going to second the suggestions made by JoeH. Also take a look at Cycle Trader. URL below One segment of the motorcycle world not addressed by the manufacturers is the beginning rider. So many are swayed by the image of sport bikes. Terrible machine to start on. Most cruisers are too big and the forward controls on many are hard to get used to by a beginner. Heck, I have been riding a loooong time and I don't like them. Upright seating position, windshield, saddle bags, a torquey engine, belt drive (no maintenance and cheaper than a shaft drive), and ABS brakes is just the ticket for a beginning rider. Around 500cc of displacement in a 2 cylinder arrangement. That would make for a easy to learn machine.
How would you like to buy a Honda 80 cc 2001 Elite as first time bike ? Travels up to 50 miles per hour.
If you just tweaked it a bit and didn't bend anything just stand the bike upright(having a friend helps here).Straddle the front wheel to hold it in place and give the handlebars a twist to the side.Keep twisting and adjusting it til it's straight.