5 months ago im 127 pounds (57-58) kilos and no matter wat i do i just cant lose any weight, i feel so awful, i cry myself to sleep at night,and everday i feel bad about my self dont know what else to do.Then on december 30 my mom told me that i should go the the doctor which i did.I got an ultrsound and the doctors said the i have Polycystic overy syndrom ( PCOS ), and give me metformin.Im on a diet and I exercise 30 mins 5 days a week, Now after 3 months my weight is now 112 pounds ( 52 kilos )and stuck in to 112 pounds, i still want to lose some more weight,What can i do to lose more weight?im always hungry so it really a determination, what should i do or eat for me not to get hungry?how can make my metabolism work faster?is protain good for looseing weight? wat foods are rich in protain.tnx.alsoCan i take xenical ( orlestat ) whili taking metformin?Can i take protain capsule while taking met?
why did the orange stop in the middle of the road? because it ran out of juice.
Why did Tigger jump into the toilet? To get Pooh! What's brown and sticky? A stick!
Knock Knock Who's there? Merry Merry who? Merry Christmas :)
Knock Knock Who's there? Dwayne Dwayne who? Dwayne the tub I'm drowning!
It's hard to make judgments about your weight without knowing your heightOffhand, though, I'm going to say you're just fine at 112 poundsThe only REAL way to lose weight, however, is to eat less and work out moreIt's pretty simpleTry skipping your dinner side dish and walk another few minutes a day, and be patientLosing weight for real is never an instantaneous thing.