A method for the determination of total balsam acid in resins. Add appropriate amount of alcohol reflux extraction solution of potassium hydroxide, impurity liquid solvents, acidified with ether and other organic solvents to extract total balsamic acid, then the total balsamic acid dissolved in alkali solution, acidified with organic solvent extraction of total balsamic acid, after removal of the solvent in N/10 NaOH solution titration, total balsamic acid 100 content from alkali consumption (with cinnamic acid calculation, each M1 is equivalent to 0.01482g total balsamic acid).
Resins are usually amorphous solids, brittle, heated, sticky, soft, and then molten, burning with heavy smoke. Insoluble in water, soluble in ethanol, ether and other organic solvents. Partially or completely dissolved in an alkaline solution and insoluble in an acid solution. The resin is widely distributed in plants, such as frankincense, myrrh can invigorate the circulation of blood, pain, swelling, blood circulation, benzoin anti-corrosion, Styrax aromatic resuscitation, ferulic for dispersing rosin are carminative pain lump, etc.. Most Chinese herbal medicines contain a small amount of resin which is removed as an impurity in the manufacture of Chinese herbal preparations.
Resins are made from a mixture of resins, acids, resins, alcohols, resins, hydrocarbons, and some of their higher polymers. In recent years, studies have known that these compounds are mostly two terpenes, three terpene derivatives, and sometimes lignans.
Resin is a kind of substance secreted by normal growth of many plants. It is often mixed with essential oils, gums and organic acids in plants. With the coexistence of volatile oil called oleoresin, such as pine oil, and the coexistence of said gum gum resin, such as ferulic, with a large number of aromatic organic acid coexistence called the fragrant resin, such as benzoin. This kind of aromatic acid coexisting with resin is called acids (Balsamic). Some resins combine with sugar to form glycosides, which are called glycoside resins, such as morning glory resin.