Howdy hey my head-banging neigbors, just a few curiosity questions to assuage my boredom (and perhaps yours?)what is your favorite :1: heavy (or classic) metal band?2: thrash metal band?3: power metal band?4: doom metal band?5: death metal band?6: black metal band?7: folk metal band?8: symphonic metal band?9: progressive metal band?10: female-fronted metal band?11: favorite metal band, period?12: favorite genre of metal?13: decade of metal:14: metal album?14a: metal album of 2011?14b: metal album of 2010?15: metal song you can't stop listening to right now?16: currently playing?17: favorite metal vocalist (male and female)18: favorite metal bassist?19: favorite metal guitarist?20: favorite metal drummer?21: best live metal album?22: popular metal band you just never liked?23: best metal concert you've ever attended?24: upcoming 2011 metal concert you most want to attend?25: favorite NON-metal genre of music?And.....Bq: was this too long? =P
-sigh- Okay, in the 4th game you'll be playing Solid Snake, not Naked Snake. You play naked snake in the third one. I mean, it's during the COLD WAR, did you not realize this? Also, his name is not David in the third one...did you just never play any othe
yeah it is because of the review if u hav seen that then it says they will remove the left eye in the 4 part
Different Snakes. MGS3 was Naked Snake, MGS4 is Solid Snake. his son.
In metal gear solid 3 its Big Boss. In Metal gear solid 4 its Solid snake (Big Boss's Clone(or son)). Metal gear solid 3 was the first appearence of big boss as a playable character. Oh and for the record the guy in metal gear solid 4 eye isnt missing. Its some sort of HUD display which displays info like radar, objectives etc. simply covering the eye.
Metal Gear Solid 4. It was a heavy contender for game of the year, and is the best game of the series. You won't find a more in depth, complicated, and beautifully written story than in the Metal Gear series. As basically everyone has said, Assassins Creed is great for about 1 hour, then its the same bull over, and over. And the replay value is very low. For instance there are flags to collect, but there is no point, as they don't reward you AT ALL for finding them all. Metal Gear's multiple playthroughs will unlock emblems, which can give you unique weapons unable to be gained during play, and accumilate points to buy rare weapons and items also not available in regular play. And I will tell you a final thing that everyone else seems to have forgotten about, or are just neglecting to tell you. Assassins Creed (at least the PS3 version) ships with a bug that causes the PS3 to freeze, and freeze BAD. I'm talking every 15 minutes. Freezing riding a horse, freezing loading a level, you name it! Even though Ubisoft patched the game I can tell you from experience the patch didn't work, the game still froze, albeit it did freeze a little less. Assassins Creed was the first game I bought with my PS3 (back in 12/07), I had NOTHING on the HDD and I didn't even have the PS3 connected to the internet at the time either. It was a HORRIBLE experience and I don't recommend BUYING the game. It's not worth... whatever its priced at now...but it is worth renting and playing for 5-7 days. After that you won't have a reason to touch it again anyway. Assassins Creed is one of the only PS3 games I've ever sold back. The other? LEGO:Batman Metal Gear Solid 4 is, in my opinion (for whatever thats worth), the best game on the PS3.