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Mind-boggling question about light and mirrors?

If you're inside a sphere which is made of the same reflective material as mirrors, and it is pitch black inside and you shine a flashlight and then turned it off, would the light still be there?


these kids are step 1, like mice in mazesoon we will all be tracked and controlled.
First of all, kids have no need not to be tracked, they are children and if anyone disagrees w/ knowing where they are, I question the ability to seperate being a buddy from parent. My kids are still my best friends, in their mid-twenties, but have no issue w/ confusion as to what their rights as children, were. Judging by the number of their friends who call me daddy, but are not related but do stay in close contact, I'd say I struck a protective nerve by being a diciplining parent, even to them.
Maybe because the texture resembles and feels almost like a real animal. My cats act like this too and also act odd when they see small dark coloured items, they probably look like mice or beetles to them or something. Cats are always wary when they come across a new or unusual object and also find it fun to explore and experiment with the strange new item.
It's up to that child's individual parent-I believe that *parents* should be the first authority over their children. HOWEVER-I personally think it's disgusting to treat your child like they're in the federal pen. Not to mention when you subject your child to this kind of surviellance they begin to think that it's okay for people to be getting into their business all the timewhich, in America at least, is not supposed to be the case.
Well, at least it will be easy to find their slickers, that they always seem to forget at school!

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