i have successfully bred a couple of batches of crickets and a couple unsuccessful tries due to mold. i place a tupperware with moistened vermiculite in a 5 gal rubbermaid container with a lid and place it on the cable box for warmth....i check it a couple times a day to wipe out excess condensation yet i have a batch 4 days into incubation and is showing signs of mold starting on the surface....what can i do at this point.....is the batch doomed? will a small amount of mold on top affect the hatch? How do i keep the mold out in the future?
All of them. Any nursury, home improvement store or green house.
This Site Might Help You. RE: What stores sell Perlite and Vermiculite ? I need to know what (or what kind of) stores sell perlite and vermiculite so if anyone can help me out it would really mean alot. oh, and price of each would be extremely helpful.
I was in both Home Depot and Lowes over the weekend, they both carry vermiculite and perlite. However, I bought the vermiculite at the Lowes because it was a larger container for less money and the perlite at Depot for the same reason. I paid around 7.99 for the vermiculite and I think around 10 bucks for the perlite. They are also selling those moisture crystals in a little butter tub sized container, but I think it is still too expensive at $14.99.