I have a blue/black mill deck. It is a pretty standard mill deck with halimar excavators and jwari shapeshifters thrown in as millers/blockers. My big problem occurs when I get overrun by an opponents flying creatures. What can I do. Are there any blue or black enchantments that can help me or will I just have to put in some flying creatures (really don't want to take up space doing that). Thanks for the help.
mill deck is a fun deck. but not highly competitive
Yeah blue black it not staderd mill white blue is
Go U/G aggro/mill. That's what one of my friends has. He uses various allies (umara raptor, oran rief survivalist, turntimber ranger) to hold the fort while his harabaz druids, birds of paradise, and lotus cobras power out a huge mind spring, and fogging every now and sleeping every then allows him to buy time or set up a lethal aggro strike, and once he draws a ton of cards he uses his harabazes to toss down crabs and halimars mill his opponent around turn 6.
For defence your best bet might be with Dimir Doppelgangers, Get your opponents cards in their graveyards early on using tome scours and memory sluices then as soon as you have the 4 mana play dimir doppelganger and the next turn coppy their flyers. An expensive solution would be Szadek Lord of Secrets, pricey for mana (3 colorless, 2 blue, and 2 black) but between his flying and his effect it can be a solution. I don't have him in my mill deck for the mana cost reason. You could also also try Gllen Elendra Liege, a 2/3 for 4 but it flys and it gives your blue creatures and black creatures +1/+1. Not powerful, but with more than one out on the field can turn away fliers. A third thing you could do is one of my favorite cards: Scalpelexis. Its a 1/5 Flier for 5 (kinda pricey mana wise) but is more or less a early mind funeral. deals combat damage opponents top 4 cards if any share a name, repeat. Ive won with this guy before, so i can tell you he works. Another idea, which is also kinda mana-expensive is Belltower Sphinx. He is a 4/5 that when damage is dealt to him he mills the opponent and he flies. Something you might consider is using Psychic Drain. Mills and gives you life. Can help if you really start taking hits.or can make up for the hits you took wile waiting to get out some bigger, more expensive, help. So overview: Their are solutions creature wise but they cost mana. My personal solution to fliers if i don't get my creatures out, is just to mill faster. Hope this helps, good luck.